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Expert Interview with Dr. Aronson

Expert Interview with Dr. Aronson

Expert Interview with Dr. Aronson

Dr. Randy Aronson, DVM is the founder of P.A.W.S., an integrative veterinary center in Tucson, AZ.  Dr Aronson's practice includes complimentary therapies such as acupuncture, Chinese herbal medicine and physical rehabilitation therapy.  His vision for the future of veterinary medicine is to are for the whole animal, and not to simply treat disease symptoms.  Find out more at 

Dr. Aronson talks about all the conditions he uses PEMF therapy and the Assisi Loop Portable™.

Several years ago we were using pulsed electromagnetic therapy through a PST machine. That technology had been around in Germany for twenty years already. We had a rehabilitation center so we were looking for any modality that would help us with pain, inflammation, osteoarthritis and neurologic recovery. We were using the PEMF machine quite a bit and having to send this $30,000 machine in and out the door with clients. It was working really well, but that was a bit nerve-wracking. 

I was really sold because we see a lot of second and third opinions here, and just to have that as part of our arsenal and have a “Loop” we can send out the door with clients is really great.

In general, we have the Loop as part of our pain management protocol. When you create a magnetic field you actually create a small electrical field and that assists the body in increasing blood flow, producing natural endorphin release and nitric oxide production, which involves calcium molecules in the anti-inflammatory cascade.


One of the first cases I used it on was a young golden retriever, about 8 or 9 months old, who had an OCD lesion in his shoulder. That’s a condition where the blood vessels didn’t innervate the bone properly and therefore he has a deficit in the bone itself, as if he had a piece of bone missing. It’s very painful. He was scheduled for surgery where the vet will go in and excise that area. I talked to the client about several different possibilities including PST for this dog. I said, “We have a couple of months before this dog has to go into surgery for this. We have initial radiographs so we know the size of the initial defect. Why don’t we put the Assisi Loop on there and see what we can do?” In a month, it had almost completely filled in and the dog never went to surgery.

 After that we’ve had a couple of paralyzed dachshunds that have or haven’t had disk surgery and we’ve worked with them with multiple modalities—underwater treadmill, acupuncture, and incorporated the Assisi loop into their treatment. For some, they’re not going to get better no matter what you do, but a couple of them have gone from not using their legs to walking. This is in conjunction with other therapies and a couple of supplements that are really novel for nerve health, but I really think the Loop made a difference.

We see a lot of dogs that come to us with a partial tear in their cruciate ligament and we use the Loop on almost all of those cases. We recommend supplements, aquapuncture (injecting B12 and procaine into acupuncture sites) and using the Assisi Loop. With that, we’ve had a number of partial cruciate ligament dogs that have done very, very well.

On full tears we usually recommend that the dog go to surgery. We have had a couple of dogs whose owners don’t want them to go to surgery and we certainly think that the pain and inflammation was improved with the Assisi Loop.

We used the Loop on a pretty severely arthritic cat, with spondylosis of the spine and osteoarthritis of both of its hip joints. The cat loved the treatment and would sit there for it while the owner was watching TV. It definitely helped to decrease the inflammation.

One should always look at different modalities versus just drugs to treat problems. That’s why we have an integrative practice—integration means we’re using the best of Western medicine with a bunch of other complementary therapies, and the Loop is definitely one of them. This is an easy thing for clients to do. Veterinarians can sell them from their practice and maintain the financial end of it, and there is great compliance because it can’t hurt the animal and it is very simple to use. With the Loop, you don’t have to have a rehabilitation practice or do the specialty things that we do in order to help rehabilitate the animal—it can be used in a general practice at any time.

Author: Dr. Randy Aronson and Assisi Animal Health


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